Chakra Maintenance - Reiki Music


Embark on a transformative journey of healing and alignment with Reclaim Your Chakras, a soothing Reiki-infused music session for the 7 major chakras. Each track is specifically designed to bring alignment, symptom relief, and reveal a happier, clearer version of yourself. By staying consistent in cleansing your chakras, you'll experience the benefits of Reiki and promote overall well-being. This accessible digital product can be enjoyed anywhere and at any time, with each track lasting 15 minutes to accommodate busy schedules.

The track list includes:

  • Chakra Maintenance - 15 min.

By incorporating Reiki energy into the music, you'll experience numerous benefits, including:

  • Relieving tension and pain in the body and mind

  • Stimulating the immune and nervous systems

  • Clearing energetic blockages and aiding in natural healing

  • Supporting the well-being of individuals receiving traditional medical treatments

  • Offering accessibility to Reiki healing whenever needed

Upon completing your purchase, you will receive an email to start your journey with immediate lifetime access. Please note that the price may increase as the feed grows, so it is advisable not to miss out on this opportunity.

Chakras are vital energy centers in our bodies, and their alignment plays a crucial role in overall well-being. Blockages or imbalances in these energy centers can manifest as physical, emotional, or mental issues. Chakra healing aims to balance and unblock these energy centers, promoting optimal health and well-being.

Here is a brief overview of the 7 major chakras and their associated behavioral patterns, emotional signs, and physical symptoms when misaligned:

  • Root Chakra: Behavioral patterns - hoarding, overeating, overindulging; Emotional signs - anxiety, fear, feeling disconnected, lack of safety and security; Physical symptoms - digestive issues, fatigue, low back pain.

  • Sacral Chakra: Behavioral patterns - addictions, lack of pleasure, low creativity; Emotional signs - mood swings, difficulty expressing emotions; Physical symptoms - low back pain, low sex drive, menstrual irregularities, UTIs.

  • Solar Plexus Chakra: Behavioral patterns - control issues, overworking, perfectionism; Emotional signs - feeling powerless, insecurities, struggling with boundaries; Physical symptoms - digestive issues, weakened immune system, metabolism imbalances.

  • Heart Chakra: Behavioral patterns - codependency, being judgmental, people-pleasing; Emotional signs - feeling disconnected from others, lack of empathy and trust; Physical symptoms - heart and lung issues, high blood pressure, poor circulation.

  • Throat Chakra: Behavioral patterns - gossiping, lying, sarcasm; Emotional signs - difficulty expressing oneself, fear of speaking up, feeling unheard; Physical symptoms - dental problems, sore throat, thyroid imbalances.

  • Third Eye Chakra: Behavioral patterns - avoiding responsibility, being judgmental; Emotional signs - difficulty making decisions, feeling stuck, lack of intuition connection; Physical symptoms - dizziness, headaches, migraines, neurological symptoms.

  • Crown Chakra: Behavioral patterns - avoiding enjoyable practices, feeling disconnected from oneself and others, attachment to possessions; Emotional signs - difficulty understanding higher consciousness, feeling disconnected from higher self, lack of purpose; Physical symptoms - chronic fatigue, poor sleep, sensitivity to light and sound.

Distant Reiki Music allows Reiki to be shared with anyone, anywhere in the world. Qualified Reiki practitioners, connected to the universal Reiki energy source, can channel Reiki through the music to the person receiving the healing energy. While there are no physical differences between in-person and Distant Reiki sessions, the recipient still receives the full benefits of Reiki and may even feel similar sensations as in an in-person session.

Reclaim Your Chakras offers you a transformative experience of chakra alignment and healing through Reiki-infused music. Start your journey today and embrace the power of Reiki for your overall well-being.

Please note: This is a digital product with immediate lifetime access, and no refunds are available. It's time to embrace Reiki's power and embark on a path of healing, clarity, and self-discovery.

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