Nourishing Your Body When Food Feels Impossible: My Go-To Remedies

Hey there, beautiful souls! 

It's Jac, your fearless guide on the journey to intentional living and self-discovery. Today, I want to talk about something that many of us face from time to time: those days when food feels like the last thing we want to even think about. When nausea and a lack of appetite threaten to throw us off balance, it's essential to have a few tricks up our sleeves. So, I'm here to share my go-to remedies that help me nourish my body and soothe my soul during these challenging moments. Let's dive in!

1. Bone Broth: A Comforting Elixir

First up on my list of comforting remedies is bone broth. 🍲 Now, I know some of you may be thinking, "Bone broth when I'm nauseous? Are you serious?" Hear me out! Bone broth is not only gentle on the stomach but also packed with essential nutrients and healing properties. It's like a warm, cozy hug for your insides.

Recommendation: If you're not up for making your own, consider ordering from a local ramen spot. Many places offer this nourishing elixir on their menu. It's not only convenient but also incredibly soothing. Some spots even deliver it right to your doorstep. Talk about self-care! 💆‍♀ī¸

2. Remedy Organics Smoothies: A Nutrient-Packed Treat

Next on the list is a delightful discovery I stumbled upon – Remedy smoothies. đŸĨ¤ These little bottles of goodness are a game-changer when you need a quick nutrient boost but can't fathom the idea of chewing solid food. They come in a variety of flavors, and each one is packed with vitamins, minerals, and plant-based goodness.

Recommendation: Keep a stock of Remedy smoothies in your fridge for those moments when you need a nutrient-packed treat. They're not only delicious, but also easy to digest, making them perfect for times when you're feeling queasy.

3. Suja Mighty Green Juice: A Burst of Vitality

Now, let's talk about the invigorating Suja Mighty Green juice.  This vibrant elixir is a powerhouse of nutrients, including leafy greens, ginger, and lemon. It's like a burst of vitality in a bottle. When your body is saying "no" to food, it often says "yes" to this green goodness.

Recommendation: Keep a bottle of Suja Mighty Green juice in your fridge for those moments when you need a little pick-me-up. Sip it slowly, savoring each refreshing gulp. It's an excellent way to flood your body with nutrients and give your digestive system a gentle nudge in the right direction.

4. Nervous System Care: A Membership with Brain Based Wellness

Last but certainly not least, I want to share something that has been a game-changer for my overall well-being: my nervous system care membership with Brain Based Wellness. 🧠💆‍♀ī¸

This membership isn't just about healing symptoms; it's about addressing the root causes and rebalancing your body from the inside out. When I'm feeling nauseous and disconnected from my body, the tools and practices I've learned here help me find my center again. It's like a reset button for my nervous system.

Recommendation: If you're looking for a comprehensive approach to well-being, consider exploring a membership or program that focuses on nervous system care. It can make a world of difference in how you navigate those challenging moments when food feels impossible.

So, there you have it, my lovely friends – my go-to remedies for nourishing my body and soothing my soul when food is the last thing on my mind. Remember, it's all about finding what works best for you and honoring your body's signals.

What are your favorite remedies for those "no appetite" days? Share your wisdom in the comments below, and let's support each other on this journey to intentional living and well-being.

Until next time, stay pleasurable, fearless, and intentional! đŸĒŠ


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