Navigating Contradicting Health: A Journey of Understanding and Healing

Sometimes, it's hard to reconcile contradicting health, not just for ourselves but for our loved ones too. On one hand, we might appear 'fine', while internally, it feels like a 'shit show'. This duality can trigger those around us, especially when they struggle to comprehend our reality or reasons behind certain choices. They're frustrated because they can't grasp it, and they're tired because they can't fix it. Yet, for those of us living with contradicting health, we're not seeking a fix; we're simply striving to maintain.

Whether others understand or not, or think we should be different, is irrelevant. If you're frustrated or triggered by it, imagine how we, the ones living with it, feel. Imagine the mental fortitude required to navigate each day with contradicting health, without succumbing to insult or triggers. In a world where everyone's opinions often overshadow realities, I refuse to let others' reactions to my health disrupt my healing journey. Attempting to approach the uncontrollable with logic or ego only adds unnecessary burdens.

Many of you have reached out, sharing similar struggles with loved ones, even parents, and asked how I deal with such situations. My approach? Focus on what I can control. I don't waste energy trying to make those triggered understand because they can't. No one can truly understand another's journey; we're all unique. Instead, I focus on managing my health and resting because each day is challenging with chronic health, regardless of outward appearances.

Stop expecting 'sick' people to conform to your idea of 'enough' or a solution because it suits you. Listen to your loved ones and meet them where they are, not where you want them to be. Healing takes time, as does adapting to major health changes. You can't see pain or sickness, so try not to judge based on appearances.

If I shared how I felt daily, you'd see a 70% improvement from when my journey began in February 2017, but unless you've walked this path with me, you might wonder how I function each day. I had no choice but to acclimate to the pain and do the work to heal what I could. And the more I incorporate Reiki or MRT to regulate my nervous system, the more relief I find.

Yes, I may cancel plans or require more rest than others, but I've found balance, and I know what works for me. I have people who respect that, and I have others who fear my health, but what I've learned is that all I can control is myself. All I can do is allow myself to heal in the way I need; the rest will align as it should.

Loving someone with chronic health isn't easy, but deeming their needs unrealistic is insulting and, frankly, not your place, regardless of your relationship to them. Let us live, for managing health at any age is challenging enough in itself.


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