My Why

Dear Soul Tribe,

I wanted to take a moment to share with you the deep-seated reasons behind why I do what I do. It's not just about offering support for grief, chronic health issues, or feminine healing; it's about a profound and universal desire to help all aligned souls find their path to healing and inner well-being.

My journey into this world of holistic healing, Reiki, sound therapy, and wellness was born from a place of personal experience. I've felt the depths of grief, navigated the complexities of chronic health challenges, and embarked on my own transformative journey towards feminine healing. These experiences have shaped me and given me the empathy and understanding to support others on their healing journeys.

There's a radiant beauty in guiding others to heal, in seeing the transformation that takes place when someone taps into their inner strength and begins to shine with vitality. It's a privilege to be part of your healing process, to watch you reconnect with your true essence, and to see you flourish.

I'm often asked why I cast such a wide net, covering a variety of healing modalities and challenges. The answer is simple: every soul is unique, and each path to healing is equally unique. By offering a diverse range of tools, knowledge, and resources, I hope to reach as many aligned souls as possible, no matter where they are on their personal journey.

In essence, I do what I do because I believe in the power of healing, self-discovery, and the potential for transformation that lies within each of us. My mission is to shine a light on the path toward holistic well-being, helping you unleash your inner radiance, and guiding you towards a life filled with health, happiness, and vitality.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey with me. Your trust and support mean the world. Together, we'll continue to heal, thrive, and glisten. Join us on my patreon for live sessions, and more on my journey I don’t share so publicly.




A Halloween Surprise & the Cosmic Dance of a Scorpio Sun, Leo Rising, & Libra Moon


Reclaiming My Womb: A Journey to Healing and Hormonal Harmony